Friday, December 23, 2005

No Luv Motion

Marcel and I met this morning and had some good quality time.
We discussed the Reluvnotion project and decided that there is no motivation to do anything with it.

I just want to say that despite the fact that there is no CD or anything to show for the project (except some crazy anointed raw worship tracks and at least one salvation!), it has been HUGELY beneficial to me personally... got me back into music, back into recording... back on track generally... even if I did have a few emotional tifs along the way. To think I was ready to bug-out this time last year after that stinker of a cop gave me a ticket!?

Anyway - I might see about putting the raw live tracks from the night online - I'll have to see what needs to be done in terms of copyright. At least there will be something to show for the effort. Sorry to anyone who was expecting a CD.

I am currently putting down tracks to make a wee demo CD - you can sample some of them at

Once again - thanks to everyone involved, it was a riot and I'd do it again (except for the White Wolf in Stratton, Maine). Hope you all have a prosperous 2006 - I certainly hope to...

Much Luv